Admit One
Also Appearing: The Jimmy's, Alex McMurray Band
Gates: 5:45pm
Leach Amphitheater, 303 Ceape Avenue, Oshkosh, WI
All Sales are final. No Refunds for any reason.
See Waterfest.Org for more information
DisclaimerAdmit One. Also appearing: The Jimmy's, Alex McMurray Band; Gates 5:45pm. Leach Amphitheater 303 Ceape Avenue Oshkosh WI. All Sales are final. No Refunds for any reason. Conditions of sale: All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges. The resale of this ticket for more than face value is prohibited. No recording devices, still cameras, or video cameras during the show. No transmission or aiding in transmission of this event. Event managers reserve the right to refuse admission or eject any person whose conduct is deemed to be harmful or disorderly. If this event is canceled, there is no rescheduled date. Event is Rain or Shine. Be nice, or leave will be strictly enforced. Re-entry to the Amphitheater is permitted, but not guaranteed. Re-entry is for Astronauts. Don't make copies of this ticket, we will catch you and embarrass you. See Waterfest.Org for more information. No refunds